Sunday, July 18, 2010

A car trip to no were-a wine

yesterday, we went on a four hour car trip to no were. It all started when we were going to a party in N.J.but we never got there because of one thing-traffic...

so then we just turned around and went home.   the end


  1. I was on that trip too--UGH!!!!! All the while I was wondering isn't it time for hover boards or flying cars? Must be the scientists working on that kind of technology don't live in the NYC area.

  2. I can relate to your trip! Remember the story I shared about helping my best friend move to Connecticut??? I really felt like I was on a trip to nowhere. If I didn't love her so much, I would have turned around and gone back home!

    By the way, I also hate driving in NJ because of the jughandles. I always get turned around and lost. :-(

  3. I wish that they already created flying cars!!! That was my 2nd grade invension!!!!!
